Digital pseudo-VCR for proprietary SONY Trinicon camerasoscilloscope-terminal WIP
Turn your oscilloscope into a linux terminal emulator with a sound cardworkstations-gaia WIP
Preservation project and museum for the 90s UNIX workstations found at FIUM's Gaialab and Compute Centre storageSoftware
asd WIP
arf software distribution: small embeddable and customizable BusyBox/Linux distributionarfts WIP
Simple typesetting system designed for plaintextarfchat WIP
Simple UDP multicast chatroom application with internetwork relay daemonarfmipsas + arfmipssim + arfcpu WIP
Assembler, simulator & debugger and hardware description of the UM's ETC subject MIPS-based CPUarfminesweeper WIP
Turn your oscilloscope into a linux terminal emulator with a sound cardarftracksat WIP
OpenGL satellite trackerARFNET CSTIMS WIP
Simple Customer, Service, Ticket and Invoice Management System written in PHPww1game WIP
SDL2 2D arcade WW1 themed game